Introducing different types of bicycles

Bicycle is an answer to several burning issues of the body and mind of a modern person and humanity as a whole. It is a great means for physical exercise and fitness both for professional athletes and recreationists in achieving respective high results.

It is a great stress reliever, not only as a result of physical activity but cycling being done outside brings along all the benefits of being in touch with nature, focusing on something else, doing something repetitive…

Concerning the benefits of the use of bicycles for commuting for the environment as opposed to using any other vehicle powered by fossil fuels doesn’t require many words.

There are several types of bicycles that can clearly be recognized based on their primary use.

  • The first one is the BMX bike which was initially designed for racing, but nowadays is a category of bicycles on its own used for several freestyle disciplines of BMX called street, park, dirt, vert, and flatland.
  • The second one is the city bike. It is designed for easy commuting in the city, on tarmac and gravel, features a more upright sitting position with better visibility of the surroundings, and is easily loaded with biking bags to facilitate everyday needs.
  • The third type is an electric bike which can be any type of bike with the addition of a pedaling-charged battery, mostly a city and electric mountain bike. They come in very handy in hilly areas and on longer commutes.
  • The next category is a mountain bike. Initially designed for nature lovers and adventure seekers with their knobby tires and suspensions MTB bikes have been gaining popularity among rookie adventurers as well as city dwellers as they are practical for jumping over curbs and potholes.
  • And there are road bikes referred to usually as racing bikes, designed for paved roads and going as fast as possible, the rider sitting low with a bent handlebar and smooth tires, all to create less friction.

Take a look at our offer

At Velo Deals you will find great offers on various types of bicycles from verified and reliable sources so that you can enjoy stress-free purchases.

If you have any questions in regards to purchasing your brand-new bicycle - feel free to contact us and we will be more than ready to assist you!