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Burley MyKick Balance Bike – Kids’

$ 129.99   -30%
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Built for fun, the Burley MyKick Balance Bike is perfect for our groms to get introduced to two wheels. This sturdy balance bike is size adjustable, so even if our kids grow faster than their balance does it’ll still work. For chilled out Sunday walks, we love putting out kiddos on the MyKick and letting them cruise along the path with us.


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Balance bike is a great introduction to two-wheels for young kids
Made of sturdy steel and aluminum materials
Seat and bar adjustment accounts for growing kids
Airless tires are zero maintenance and never flat
No assembly required, perfect to get on and go


Frame Material: steel
Handlebar: adjustable
Tire Size: 12in
Claimed Weight: 11lb
Manufacturer Warranty: lifetime

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