Do you bother setting them just to forget them by mid -January or do you take them seriously? I used to belong to the first category, but luckily with age comes experience and I learned to appreciate planning. In all aspects of life, and yes, my cycling too. Let’s make it clear, I am a middle-aged woman, I cycle for enjoyment and recreation, but I am a cyclist.

No matter what kind of cycling you do or at what level you are, I believe here is why you should start planning your year ahead:

Easy does it

If you are just starting or getting back into the routine, take it easy. Don’t fall into the trap of overestimating yourself or simply starting too enthusiastically. Been there, done that. That is a perfect recipe for burnout and quitting quickly. No matter what your goal may be, steady building towards it will make it achievable. It is also imperative to keep yourself strong and injury-free so that you can keep on going. You want to be as ready as possible when the sun comes out.

Get a coach

I’ve tried and I’ve failed to work out on my own. I just don’t have the willpower, the self-control, the expertise, the motivation, the imagination…  Now and then I think I do, especially around the time I need to pay, and I’ve tried, and I’ve failed… And I’ve learned my lesson, a good coach is worth every cent.

Start indoors to be ready for the outdoors

Depending on where you live the weather conditions may not permit outdoor training from January. Still, like me, you can start working on your goals for 2022. I will be hitting the gym and working out with my coach indoors for most of the first two months, but hey, an indoor ride is still a ride. You can do it in the comfort of your own home too on a bike trainer.

Things are still unpredictable

It is clear that 2022 will be full of surprises and that even the biggest events may suffer calendar changes. I’d say we plan as usual all our rides and races have set dates, but keep a flexible attitude and a backup plan. Getting ready for the race and mastering the skill would be an achievement of a goal itself.

Nobody’s perfect

Be kind to yourself, I keep telling myself. I sure am my own toughest critic. But things happen, life happens, and it is normal that some goals will not be achieved, that some rides will not be ridden, some races will be missed. But planning with a grain of flexibility will help you feel in the saddle and keep your setbacks under control and maximize the positive outcomes, as well as help keep you on track.

Stock up 

Here at you can stock up guilt-free on all the things you need to renew or anything new your heart may desire since we are on the constant lookout for the best deals for bicycles and cycling equipment and clothing on the net.